Scheuch in Slovakia: 20th anniversary and site expansion

Ground-breaking ceremony at the Scheuch site in Prievidza, Slovakia, with Manfred Neuböck, Franz Kobleder, Heinz Autischer, Patrik Knajbel, Michal Dobrotka, Kurt Kirchgatterer, Thomas Eberl and Stefan Scheuch.

Ground-breaking ceremony at the Scheuch site in Prievidza, Slovakia, with Manfred Neuböck, Franz Kobleder, Heinz Autischer, Patrik Knajbel, Michal Dobrotka, Kurt Kirchgatterer, Thomas Eberl and Stefan Scheuch.

Scheuch in Slovakia: 20th anniversary and site expansion

The Eastern European production site Scheuch s.r.o. in Prievidza had two reasons to celebrate. The company anniversary celebrations and the ground-breaking ceremony for extensive extensions took place at the beginning of July.

To mark its twentieth anniversary, the environmental technology company Scheuch is once again expanding its production area at its site in Prievidza. In addition to the 20th anniversary, the official ground-breaking ceremony for the expansion of the production centre was held in July. Im Juli wurde neben dem 20-jährigen Jubiläum der offizielle Spatenstich für den Ausbau des Fertigungszentrums gefeiert.

Expansion of production capacities

The prefabrication setup will be significantly expanded in the new part of the plant. In addition, the paint shop will be expanded to the new capacity and investments will be made in welding automation and machining. The current production hours of approx. 160,000 are to be almost doubled by 2030. „Im Zuge des Umbaus ist gleichzeitig eine eigene Energiezentrale zur CO2
-neutralen Energieversorgung geplant. After all, as an environmental technology company, it is particularly important to us to produce in the most climate-friendly way possible," explains Michal Dobrotka, Managing Director Scheuch s.r.o., Prievidza, who is realising the expansion. In addition to heating, adiabatic cooling and ventilation, this energy centre will also include the expansion of the existing 600 kWp photovoltaic system.

Strengthening competitiveness

"With the renewed expansion of capacity, we, the Scheuch Group, want to do justice to our growth and strengthen our competitiveness," says Stefan Scheuch, CEO Scheuch Management Holding GmbH. All phases of modernisation and increases in warehouse and production space are to be completed by 2030. Kurt Kirchgatterer, who coordinates the optimal utilisation of all production facilities for the entire Scheuch Group, is pursuing the company's strategic goals. Scheuch intends to continue on its stable growth trajectory. In the 2023/24 financial year, the Scheuch Group achieved record sales of around 317 million euros and currently employs 1,500 people worldwide.

Growth and the future in Slovakia

The environmental technology company Scheuch has had a site in Slovakia since 2004 and has continued to expand significantly there in recent years. "At the beginning, we took over a production plant for steel construction and piping due to increasing growth," explains Patrik Knajbel, Managing Director of Scheuch s.r.o. Initially, the plant only consisted of 1,000 m² of production space. Two years later, the temporarily rented plant with an area of 14,000 m² was purchased. By 2007, 90 employees were already working in Prievidza. Another significant expansion took place in 2019, when the site was enlarged by an additional 27,000 m² to meet the growing requirements. The site in Prievidza currently employs 242 people, with a planned increase to 350 employees in the coming years, including 21 apprentices. The total area currently covers 48,000 m², with the production area being expanded to 12,500 m². "Following the successful expansion of production, the Scheuch Group's largest production plant will make a significant contribution to achieving the economic and quality targets and ensuring the sustainability of the company," explain Patrik Knajbel and Michal Dobrotka, Managing Directors at Scheuch s.r.o. in Prievidza.

Contact: Edith Freilinger Marketing and Communication Tel.: +43